
Fill up with energy Zanardelli, 145 25083 Gardone Riviera
(+39) 0365 22707
(+39) 351 7165232

Buffet breakfast to start the day

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, after the night’s rest a healthy and balanced breakfast brings energy to the body and mind to face the day with the right energy! At the Hotel Touring Gardone Riviera for breakfast we have chosen selected and quality products. In the dining room, on the ground floor, from 7:30 to 11:00 we offer a rich sweet and savory buffet to satisfy the different tastes and eating habits of our guests.

Il nostro buffet offre:

  • pane fresco, pane tostato, burro, croissant vuoti e ripieni, con crema, marmellata, cioccolato, krafen, ciambella
  • torte fatte in casa, crostate alla frutta o marmellata
  • uova sode e al bacon, salumi misti e formaggi misti stagionati e freschi come ricotta, stracchino, certosa, taleggio, grana, edamer ed emmenthal
  • biscotti secchi, crackers, cereali, cornflakes, fette biscottate
  • miele, marmellate di cioccolata o di frutta (ciliegie, mirtilli, fragole, arance, albicocche, miele, frutti di bosco)
  • frutta sciroppata (pesche e prugne)
  • caffè espresso, cappuccino, latte, yogurt, tè e succhi di frutta al pompelmo, arancia rossa
  • frutta fresca di stagione come mele, pere, kiwi, banane

Per i più piccoli

Abbiamo pensato anche ai bambini, ampliando i prodotti del nostro buffet di prima colazione con attenzioni riservate ai nostri piccoli ospiti. Offriamo pane e Nutella®, latte e Nesquik®.

Inoltre la nostra cucina è a disposizione delle mamme per preparare brodini e pappe.

Food intolerance corner

We at the Hotel Touring Gardone Riviera are particularly attentive to the needs of those with food intolerances.

In our buffet we have reserved a corner with gluten-free packaged baked goods and soy milk. Tell us your preferences, it will be a pleasure for us to listen to your needs and reserve a dedicated breakfast.

adjustment covid-19 


 IIn this period we have worked to welcome guests in the best way and ensure a pleasant and safe stay. Without upsetting the expectations of our customers or reducing services, we have decided to modify some procedures for the benefit of all, with the final aim of transmitting greater serenity during your holidays.

booking on our website 

Best web rates guaranteed


Lago di Garda

Corso Zanardelli, 145

25083 Gardone Riviera (BS)


(+39) 0365 22707

(+39) 351 7165232

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